Hydrogen Fluoride Industry Practices Institute (HFIPI)

Recommended Practices for the Hydrogen Fluoride Industry
The Hydrogen Fluoride Industry Practices Institute (HFIPI) is pleased to offer its Recommended Practices for the Hydrogen Fluoride Industry, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. HFPI develops guidelines, which are peer-reviewed prior to publication. The development of the guidelines are directed by four active task groups: The Storage Systems Task Group, Transportation Task Group, Materials of Construction Task Group, and Personal Protective Equipment Task Group. To date, 15 Guidelines have been published. The Guidelines have been distributed both within North America and globally.
Learn moreRelated Websites
- American Chemistry Council's Hydrogen Fluoride Panel
- European Chemistry Industry Council
- CEFIC Fluoride Sector Group
- International Council of Chemical Associations
- National Association for Chemical Distributors
- National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
- Chemical Industries Association (UK)
- Semiconductor Environmental, Safety and Health Association
Hydrogen Fluoride Industry Practices Institute Members
HFIPI membership is open to all manufacturers, users, processors, distributors and transporters of Hydrogen Fluoride. Associate memberships are open to companies associated with the hydrogen fluoride industry as providers of equipment, supplies, and other goods and services to the manufacturers of hydrogen fluoride; consultants who advise the industry; users and purchasers of HF; those who transport or store HF; and other associations who have an interest in the safe production, use, handling, transport and storage of HF.