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Responsible Care® Environmental Performance By The Numbers

Responsible Care® companies work proactively to support a clean and healthy environment for generations to come: monitoring, improving and publicly reporting performance in areas such as air emissions, water use, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas intensity.

Decrease in Greenhouse Gas Intensity from Responsible Care companies since 2017
Reduction of SOx emissions since 2017 by Responsible Care companies
Reduction of NOx emissions since 2017 by Responsible Care companies
Reduction in total water consumption since 2017 by Responsible Care companies
Reduction in energy intensity since 2017 by Responsible Care companies
Years of implementing Responsible Care in the U.S.
of Hazardous Air Pollutant Reporting Facilities
Increase in hazardous air pollutants since 2017 by Responsible Care companies*
ACC member facilities undergo 3rd party audits

* While the percentage of reporting facilities increased by double digits, hazardous air pollutant emissions increased only minimally during the reporting period. ACC and our members are committed to continuing to reduce emissions while developing innovative materials.