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Responsible Care®: Driving Safety & Sustainability

Dan Roczniak
Tara Henriksen, PhD, PMP

For 35 years, companies practicing Responsible Care® have worked to significantly enhance their environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) performance.

The members of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) are committed to safety and sustainability in the communities where we operate and in the products we manufacture. Through implementation of Responsible Care, our members demonstrate their commitment the health and safety of their employees, the communities in which they operate and the environment as a whole.

Participation in Responsible Care is mandatory for all ACC members and Responsible Care Partner companies, all of which have made CEO-level commitments to the program, including:

Responsible Care Overview

Better worker safety rate from Responsible Care companies than the U.S. manufacturing sector as a whole
Better worker safety rate from Responsible Care companies than the business of chemistry overall
Reduction in recordable injury and illness rates for employees since 2017