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Resin Report Subscriptions

Resin Report Subscriptions
Plastic Resin Statistics

The American Chemistry Council's resin reports are an extensive resource on the North American plastic resins industry. Based on surveys of major North American resin manufacturers, the reports are compiled for ACC’s Plastics Industry Producers’ Statistics Group (PIPS) by a third party contractor. All reports produced by ACC’s PIPS Group are available for purchase via annual subscription.

How Your Company Can Benefit from the Industry Reports

ACC’s resin reports can be used as a powerful tool in analyzing, understanding and communicating the state of the industry as a whole. Or, a subscriber can drill down to analyze the performance trends of a specific resin or market segment.

Reports Included in Each Subscription

Click here to view a complete list and description of ACC’s resin reports, including frequency of each. Annual subscriptions include access to a bundled package of all ACC resin reports for the current calendar year. Individual reports are not sold separately.

Sample Reports

How Reports Are Delivered

All subscribers receive digital access to the resin reports, 24 hours a day/7 days a week, through ACC’s secure statistics database. Reports can be downloaded in Excel and PDF file formats.

Subscription Pricing

Click here to view the current resin report subscription schedule. All report subscriptions are sold on a calendar year basis only, with no prorating. Subscriptions started mid-year include reports retroactive to January of that calendar year.

How to Order

To place a subscription order, complete ACC’s Resin Reports Order Form and return it to ACC as instructed. ACC will generate an invoice for your company within 5 business days after receiving your completed order form.

Historical Reports/Data Are Available

ACC resin reports are available from 2001 through last year. Click here to view the pricing schedule for purchasing historical reports. Access to historical reports is sold separately from a current-year subscription.

Discounts for New Subscribers on Historical Reports

Subscribe for the first time to a full year ACC subscription package for the current calendar year and ACC will offer your company an extra 25 percent off historical report orders.

Subscription Policies
  • ACC’s subscription pricing schedule is fixed as posted and is non-negotiable. All sales are final.
  • All ACC resin reports are protected by U.S. copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of ACC. Under limited permission, subscribers may modify and use parts of the reports to resell the data, with attribution to ACC.