President Trump: We can help make America a manufacturing super power. Learn more

Scott Lindley
Employees Discuss Safety Measures at Dusk

Manufacturing members are companies that as a significant portion of their businesses make or sell chemical products in the United States. Dues are based on chemical products manufactured or sold in the United States (this includes products imported for sale in the United States).

Our members share a common commitment to driving innovation in our industry, economy, environment and society.

Benefits of becoming an ACC manufacturer member:

Your company receives benefits and opportunities that deliver an immediate return on investment, that are exclusive to this membership category:

  • Powerful Advocacy – Global, National and Local
  • EHS&S and Innovative Performance Programs – Responsible Care® Sustainability Resources
  • Chemistry-specific Product & Market Sector Support
  • C-Suite Business Opportunities & Networking
  • Economic & Industry Intelligence and Research
  • Robust Communications Campaigns and Toolkits
  • Stronger Community, Business, and Stakeholder Relationships
  • Benchmarking Programs

ACC is committed to improved environmental, health and safety performance through the world-class Responsible Care® initiative, participation in which is a condition of ACC membership. 

ACC delivers. We have a highly-skilled staff located just steps from Capitol Hill; an aggressive, results-driven advocacy agenda; cutting-edge communications capabilities; economic forecasting and industry trends data; a proactive long-range research program and exceptional member service.

ACC's Manufacturer Members