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Addressing Climate Change, Reducing GHG Emissions & Increasing Energy Efficiency

ACC's 2024 Sustainability Report

Jenny Heumann Godes

Today, one of the greatest challenges our global society faces is climate change. To combat negative climate impacts, we must reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in our own operations and in society as a whole. Chemistry is crucial to enabling the energy transition and a lower-emissions future.

Solar & Wind Farm

Chemical Industry Actions

The chemical industry provides solutions that help reduce GHG emissions – a host of energy-efficient and renewable energy solutions and technologies are enabled by chemistry and plastics.

The chemical industry provides “inputs” for a range of products, from high-performance, energy-efficient building materials like plastic siding and insulation foams, to lightweight vehicle parts and EV infrastructure, to solar panels and wind turbines, to advanced battery storage, fuel cells and more.

We also recognize that due to the chemical industry’s size, scale and energy intensity, reducing emissions can be a challenge. ACC members are taking action and making progress in reducing GHG emissions intensity and enhancing energy efficiency.

Levers to enable lower emissions are numerous. While there is no single solution, ACC member companies are leaders and participants in exploring, developing and deploying a variety of innovative, lower-emissions technologies, from carbon capture, utilization and storage to lower-emissions hydrogen to alternative feedstocks and more.

Managing energy efficiency in chemical companies and manufacturing facilities is key to advancing chemical industry sustainability.  ACC and its members support an “all of the above” energy strategy that develops and uses America’s diverse energy sources and encourages development and use the range of new technologies.

To realize the promise of these technologies and help the United States remain a leader in both manufacturing and combatting climate change, we need continued leadership from Congress and the Administration. Priorities include: 

  • Timely and efficient implementation of federal investment incentive programs.
  • Modernizing the permitting process to enable U.S. manufacturing growth, competitiveness and innovation, and support national efforts to reduce emissions.
  • Effective design of infrastructure hubs, tax credits, grants and loans, and other programs, as well as public/private partnerships.
  • Investing in and prioritizing infrastructure projects by policymakers at all levels.
  • Developing and using diverse energy sources and manufacturing technologies.