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Indoor Air Quality and Asthma: Has Unrecognized Exposure to Acrolein Confounded Results of Previous Studies?

Authors: Golden, Robert and Holm, Stewart

The evaluation illustrated that there is no evidence that indicates increased sensitivity to sensory irritation to formaldehyde in people often regarded as susceptible such as asthmatics. Suggest that previous studies on potential risk factors and childhood asthma may be confounded by formaldehyde acting as an unrecognized proxy for acrolein.

Foundation for Chemistry Research & Initiatives

The Foundation for Chemistry Research and Initiatives (Foundation), is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization established by the American Chemistry Council (ACC). Through partnerships with academia, research institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and private corporations, the Foundation supports scientific research on various chemistries; the development of training programs for the safe use and application of products; and programs demonstrating chemistry’s contribution and benefits to society.

The Foundation was established in 1995 as the Research Foundation for Health and Environmental Effects (RFHEE).