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An updated re-analysis of the mortality risk from nasopharyngeal cancer in the National Cancer Institute formaldehyde worker cohort study.

Authors: Marsh, Gary M., Peter Morfeld, Sarah D. Zimmerman, Yimeng Liu, and Lauren C. Balmert.

The reanalysis provided little or no evidence to support NCI's suggestion of a persistent association between formaldehyde exposure and mortality from nasopharyngeal cancer. Specifically, the findings led to: (1) reduced standardized mortality ratios and relative risks in the remaining nine study plants in unaffected exposure categories, (2) attenuated exposure-response relations for formaldehyde and nasopharyngeal cancer for all the formaldehyde metrics considered and (3) strengthened and expanded evidence that the earlier NCI internal analyses were non-robust and mis-specified as they did not account for a statistically significant interaction structure between plant group (Plant 1 vs. Plants 2-10) and formaldehyde exposure.

Foundation for Chemistry Research & Initiatives

The Foundation for Chemistry Research and Initiatives (Foundation), is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization established by the American Chemistry Council (ACC). Through partnerships with academia, research institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and private corporations, the Foundation supports scientific research on various chemistries; the development of training programs for the safe use and application of products; and programs demonstrating chemistry’s contribution and benefits to society.

The Foundation was established in 1995 as the Research Foundation for Health and Environmental Effects (RFHEE).