WASHINGTON (March 3, 2025) – Ahead of President Trump’s address before a joint session of Congress American Chemistry Council (ACC) President and CEO Chris Jahn released the following statement:
“Heading into tomorrow night’s presidential address before a joint session of Congress, ACC and its members support President Trump's promise of cutting through red-tape and instead relying on common-sense approaches that enable the American economy, our citizens and U.S. manufacturing to thrive. Together, we can help give Americans what they want: a stronger, more affordable America.
“U.S. chemical and plastics manufacturers want to make long-term investments in America, but there is much to be fixed from the previous Administration. We need smart, science-based, pro-growth policies that instill regulatory stability and promote more manufacturing here at home. We are committed to working with the Trump administration and Congress to address several critical issues.”
Chemicals: The federal government’s primary chemicals management program, the Toxic Substances Contral Act (TSCA), administered by EPA, is broken and needs to be fixed. New and innovative chemistries are stifled by a flawed system and poor science. We will work with this Congress and the Administration to make precise, targeted fixes to get the program working again and unlock the power of the U.S. manufacturing sector.
Scientific Integrity: We will partner with the Administration and policymakers on the Hill so that regulatory decisions are based on transparent, objective, and high-quality scientific evidence. By passing the No Industrial Restrictions In Secret (No IRIS) Act Congress can foster sound science and a more competitive and innovative chemical industry in the United States.
Plastics: We urge the Administration to prioritize removing burdensome regulations that have sent new investments in plastic manufacturing overseas and stifled innovation in remanufacturing used plastics into new products. We also urge the Administration to work with Congress to reduce barriers that have kept new advanced recycling plants from entering the market and actively engage on the U.N. Global Plastic Agreement negotiations. Taken together, the Administration and Congress can unlock American innovation, safeguard U.S. sovereignty, and fuel the expansion of U.S. manufacturing jobs.
Tax: Thanks to President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) our nation is attracting investment, propelling innovation, and creating jobs in American chemistry. We will work with Congress and the Administration to preserve key provisions of the TCJA. We will also champion smart tax policy by driving Capitol Hill to pass the Chemical Tax Repeal Act, which will reduce consumers’ costs and increase chemical industry output by more than $300 million annually.
Trade: We will work with the Administration to drive a smart trade agenda that ensures supply chain resiliency, market access, available inputs needed to make U.S. chemicals and plastics, growth, and expansion of our domestic manufacturing footprint, and addresses unfair trading practices.
Energy: Because U.S. chemical manufacturing is an energy-intensive industry, we will work to help ensure policymakers and regulators embrace an ‘all-of-the-above’ approach—prioritize energy independence, infrastructure, and a timely and efficient permitting process.
Transportation and Infrastructure: Chemistry is critical to modern, resilient infrastructure and we are the largest shippers by volume across all modes of transportation. Smart, pro-growth policy reforms will strengthen the supply chain and get America moving again.
Air and Water: Chemistry and many of the innovations produced by U.S. chemical manufacturers are crucial to environmental performance. ACC members are cleaner and safer than ever before thanks to our mandatory, third-party audited program, Responsible Care®. We will collaborate with the Trump Administration to work toward clean air and water, by insisting that regulators use the best available science, and that regulations are science-based and risk-based.
“President Trump and the 119th Congress have a historically unique opportunity to bring the kind of change that ensures a strong, safe, and prosperous future for our country. America’s chemical manufacturers are committed to working with the Administration to make it happen. National defense, energy independence, modern healthcare, technology, innovation, and a resilient supply chain all depend on chemistry. U.S. chemical producers are the driving force for everyday products that businesses and families rely on, and help our nation win the global competition. American success relies on American chemistry.”