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ExxonMobil and FMC Corporation Recognized for Leadership in Environmental, Health & Safety Performance

Companies Receive Responsible Care® Company of the Year Award at ACC Annual Meeting

Kelly Montes de Oca

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo (June 7, 2022) — Today the American Chemistry Council (ACC) presented its Responsible Care® Company of the Year Award to ExxonMobil and FMC Corporation recognizing each for excellence and leadership in environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) performance.

Chris Jahn, ACC President and CEO
The Responsible Care program helps the chemical industry operate with safety as a top priority. It is the mainstay of our industry’s commitment to health, safety, security and environmental protection. Today we are pleased to recognize ExxonMobil and FMC Corporation for their extraordinary Responsible Care efforts with ACC’s Responsible Care Company of the Year award.

ExxonMobil implements Responsible Care through its Operations Integrity Management System, a set of worldwide expectations that have been the driving force behind the company’s EHS&S performance improvements. Since 2000, ExxonMobil has achieved a nearly 80 percent improvement in its workforce lost-time incident rate.

In January, ExxonMobil released its Advancing Climate Solutions Progress Report to convey its activities to drive emissions reductions towards a net-zero carbon future. ExxonMobil aims to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions from its operated assets by 2050 and is investing more than $15 billion through 2027 on initiatives to lower emissions. In March, ExxonMobil announced plans for a carbon capture and low-carbon hydrogen project at its Baytown, Texas, olefins plant, which could help reduce site-wide CO2 emissions by 30 percent.

ExxonMobil is committed to collaboration in the communities where it operates and partnered with SABIC in San Patricio County, Texas, on startup of their new Gulf Coast Growth Ventures (GCGV) petrochemical complex, engaging with the local communities to establish the four pillars of a “Good Neighbor Program:” Health and Safety, Environmental Stewardship, Quality of Life, and Education and Workforce. GCGV helped launch a community advisory panel and an industrial mutual aid organization, and partnered with Keep Aransas County Beautiful to remove more than one ton of debris in the Rockport and Portland areas after Hurricane Hanna.

Outside of the U.S., ExxonMobil majority-owned affiliate Imperial Oil Ltd., in Sarnia, Ontario, helped launch the community’s Bluewater Association for Safety, Environment, and Sustainability, which includes a new digital community notification and alerting tool now used by several local companies to notify the community of abnormal issues and emergencies.

FMC Corporation

FMC Corporation is an agricultural sciences company focused on developing crop protection technologies for farms globally. To promote the Responsible Care ethic to stakeholders and connect with communities that use FMC crop protection products during the COVID-19 pandemic, FMC found new ways to engage farmers and others across the international supply chain.  

These included demand-generation strategies like digital marketing campaigns consisting of 32 different audio spots, 1.8 million targeted text messages in 4 languages, nearly 1.7 million reaches through Facebook and Instagram, as well as web-based meetings that connected nearly 25,000 farmers on a single conference call. The engagement led to increased demand for FMC’s insect control products to help farmers in India, Indonesia and elsewhere procure products to help secure their crops.

In addition, in 2021, FMC Corporation had its lowest-ever total recordable injury rate. By implementing the Responsible Care Management System® (RCMS®), FMC has improved physical security plans and integrated supply chain security with ongoing programs and processes. FMC developed a risk-based tool that assesses how a product will likely be handled and used in the field, allowing the company to identify potential risks and opportunities and implement mitigating measures to prevent incidents.

FMC’s global product stewardship goals pillars include governance, culture, farmer and industry engagement and sustainability. These pillars support company goals by managing risks, providing employees with adequate information to implement product stewardship to help protect people and the environment. FMC engages with more than 3 million farmers annually around safe and responsible product use and promotes agricultural practices that help contribute to more sustainable crop production.

In August 2021, FMC announced a goal of net-zero GHG emissions for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2035.

From 2010 to 2020, Responsible Care companies have reduced sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by approximately 75 percent and 41 percent, respectively, reduced hazardous air pollutant (HAPs) releases by approximately 17 percent, improved energy efficiency overall, and have an employee safety record five times better than the U.S. manufacturing sector as a whole, and almost three times better than the chemistry industry overall.

American Chemistry Council

The American Chemistry Council’s mission is to advocate for the people, policy, and products of chemistry that make the United States the global leader in innovation and manufacturing. To achieve this, we: Champion science-based policy solutions across all levels of government; Drive continuous performance improvement to protect employees and communities through Responsible Care®; Foster the development of sustainability practices throughout ACC member companies; and Communicate authentically with communities about challenges and solutions for a safer, healthier and more sustainable way of life. Our vision is a world made better by chemistry, where people live happier, healthier, and more prosperous lives, safely and sustainably—for generations to come.