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Jenny Heumann Godes

Consumer electronics encompass a range of products we use every day, from televisions and cell phones, to computers and kitchen appliances and many more. And each of these products have unique design, performance and safety elements.

A wide variety of chemistry materials, from fluoropolymers and flame retardants, to silicones, polycarbonate plastics, phthalates and more, are used in the manufacture of electronics products, to help make them lightweight, durable and functional to meet the technology needs of today’s consumers.

For example, plastic components are essential to advances in weight reduction and miniaturization in many electronic products, helping to make electronics strong and durable, protecting vital technological components while also using less material in production. In addition, plastics can be engineered to meet very specific performance requirements, often helping to achieve greater energy efficiency over the course of a product’s life.

Chemistry products directly purchased by computer and electronics manufacturers in 2020.
Amount in sales of electronics in U.S. that contained basic and specialty chemicals in 2020.

Explore Chemistries Critical to Electronics