Industry has proactively innovated to develop new FluoroTechnology chemistries and adopted best practices to help minimize emissions.
PFAS Stewardship and Regulation

- Most of the attention to date on PFAS has focused on a handful of substances which are no longer produced in the U.S., Europe, or Japan.
- Working closely with EPA and other regulators, starting in the early 2000s, industry voluntarily phased out long-chain PFAS chemistries.
- As a result of these actions, blood levels of legacy PFAS (e.g., PFOA, PFOS) have declined dramatically according to data collected by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Moreover, recent comprehensive monitoring of PFAS in drinking water conducted in Michigan and elsewhere suggests a low frequency of detection and low levels observed when detected.
- In conjunction with the phase out of long-chain PFAS chemistries, industry developed new short-chain PFAS chemistries. These new chemistries have been thoroughly reviewed by regulators prior to introduction into commerce, are subject to ongoing review, and are supported by a robust body of rigorous scientific health and safety data.
- In the US these substances have been reviewed under the new chemicals review program of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) with specific testing requirements related to cancer, reproductive/developmental factors, systematic toxicity, bioretention, ecological endpoints, environmental fate, transport and other factors. See New Chemicals Program Review of Alternatives for PFOA and Related Chemicals.
- In addition, manufacturers and many users of today’s PFAS are implementing a variety of practices and technologies to help minimize environmental emissions. Best practice guidance documents have been developed for the textile and firefighting foam industries.