The American Chemistry Council (ACC)’s Pine Chemistry Panel commissioned Franklin Associates, a division of ERG, to conduct a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) of average U.S. and European pine chemicals. Pine chemicals are made from co-products of the kraft pulping process, such as crude tall oil (CTO). A full LCA quantifies and characterizes products’ use of energy and materials and the releases to the air, water, and land for each step from raw material extraction through production, use, and end-of-life management. For commodity chemicals such as pine chemicals, the use phase and end-of-life management depend upon the chemicals’ specific application. Therefore, LCAs on commodity materials are typically conducted as cradle-to-gate analyses that cover all steps from raw material extraction through production of the material ready for use.
Greenhouse Gas and Energy Life Cycle Assessment of Pine Chemicals Derived From Crude Tall Oil and Their Substitutes 