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Climate Week: Some Solutions and a Lot of Work Ahead

Matthew Kastner
woman charging electric car staring at windmills

Climate Week 2021 (September 20-26) reminds us that we have a lot of work ahead of us to combat climate change. And it won’t be easy.

Fortunately, we do have many of the solutions.

Decades ago, before climate change (or “global warming”) became apparent, plastics were rapidly replacing traditional materials in multiple applications, from our overweight cars to protective packaging and safety gear.

The reasons went beyond simple price and performance. These new materials typically required less material to perform the same or superior functions than many traditional alternatives. Overall, plastics were clearly more efficient. And it was assumed back then that this efficiency – doing more with less – would also lead to a lighter environmental footprint in many very important ways.

Now in 2021, we have the documentation, a growing body of research that can inform smart public policy.

Take greenhouse gas emissions. Based on decades of life cycle analyses (LCAs) that study the environmental impacts of consumer goods, multiple researchers have concluded:

  • The use of plastic packaging and products can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternatives such as steel, paper, aluminum, glass, etc. Likewise:
  • Replacing plastics with alternatives in many applications would significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions. 

For example, an extensive LCA in 2016 found that “on average over four times more alternative material is needed (by weight) to perform the same function”[i] as plastics, which is why plastics can reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternatives. While studies vary somewhat, research typically shows that use of plastic packaging and products results in approximately 2.5 times less greenhouse gas emissions than alternatives.

Similar benefits are found in our homes and cars where plastics can help decrease energy and fuel use, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, plastics enable and improve efficiencies in lower carbon energy sources such as wind power and solar energy.

So after decades of contributing to solutions that improve sustainability – energy efficient homes, lower carbon energy, electric cars, and more – we now know that plastics play a critical role in our fight against climate change. The global community cannot realistically meet its climate change commitments without the help of plastics.

Unfortunately, these findings are not widely known, and many Americans believe that plastics are an oversized contributor to climate change. It will be difficult to counter decades of assumptions, so ingrained that some politicians are calling for a pause in the production of plastics or an excise tax on virgin resins in hopes of reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Even though both notions would be a step backward for the environment.

We know that we can’t change entrenched opinions overnight. But we can bring a greater sensibility to public discourse on plastics and climate change. And we have begun doing that.

Reflecting on this year’s Climate Week, it’s clear we all have a lot more work ahead. Fortunately, many solutions have been identified, which makes our work so much more purposeful. The materials we make will help rebuild our nation’s infrastructure… and build back better while creating a more resilient and lower carbon future. Plastic makers will play an outsized role in upgrading our nation’s ability to move people, energy, goods, and water – we’ll do this by helping enable energy-efficient vehicles, solar and wind technologies, more efficient mobility systems, and durable piping. And we will continue to innovate and develop new products and technologies that help drive down greenhouse gas emissions.

America’s plastic makers are all in.

For a demonstration of the role plastics play in helping drive down greenhouse gas emissions, click here.

[i]Plastics and Sustainability: A Valuation of Environmental Benefits, Costs and Opportunities for Continuous Improvement, Trucost, 2016

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About the Author

As Vice President of ACC’s Plastics Division, Joshua oversees strategic programs to advance a science-based policy agenda, national outreach, and sustainability initiatives on behalf of America’s leading plastics makers. He encourages better understanding of plastics’ advantages in key markets, such as automotive, building and construction, and packaging, and innovations that are helping to address some of our world’s greatest sustainability challenges. Joshua also leads industry initiatives and fosters multi-stakeholder dialogue around helping to end plastic waste by creating a more circular economy.

He previously led public affairs at the American Beverage Association (ABA), where he oversaw the launch of a new plastics sustainability initiative and helped advance community-based recycling projects.

Prior to joining ABA, Joshua served as a managing director at Marathon Strategies and senior vice president at DDC Public Affairs. In both capacities, Joshua directed strategy and implementation of multi-channel issue advocacy and public affairs campaigns on behalf of Fortune 100 companies and leading trade associations. In 2018, Joshua led the defeat of the Border Adjustment Tax on behalf of the retail industry, which was recognized as PR Week’s 2018 global crisis campaign of the year.

He began his career working on Capitol Hill for former U.S. Representative Heather Wilson and as the National Coalitions Director for U.S. Senator Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. Joshua has a Master of Arts in Government and Political Communications from The Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Texas Tech University.

American Chemistry Council

The American Chemistry Council’s mission is to advocate for the people, policy, and products of chemistry that make the United States the global leader in innovation and manufacturing. To achieve this, we: Champion science-based policy solutions across all levels of government; Drive continuous performance improvement to protect employees and communities through Responsible Care®; Foster the development of sustainability practices throughout ACC member companies; and Communicate authentically with communities about challenges and solutions for a safer, healthier and more sustainable way of life. Our vision is a world made better by chemistry, where people live happier, healthier, and more prosperous lives, safely and sustainably—for generations to come.