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Scott Jensen
Railroad Tracks


Years have passed since the Surface Transportation Board has updated its freight rail policies.

To balance the needs of railroads and their customers, Congress created the Surface Transportation Board (STB). The Board is charged with resolving rail disputes, ensuring that railroads are able to earn adequate returns, and preventing railroads from abusing their market power over their customers.

While the financial health of the railroads has improved significantly, the STB suffers from persistent administrative and policy problems that disadvantage freight rail customers. For instance, the Board’s rate review procedures are overly complex, burdensome, and unworkable for most shippers. In addition, STB policies effectively block many shippers from accessing competitive rail service.

ACC is working with the Rail Customer Coalition - a large collection of trade associations representing a broad cross section of manufacturing, agricultural, and energy industries - on reforms that would promote greater rail-to-rail competition and provide the STB with better tools to effectively address freight rail problems.


ACC and its members are committed to the safe transportation of chemicals. Our member companies devote significant resources toward delivering chemicals to where they are needed without incident, including rail tank car and emergency response training.

Through ACC's Responsible Care® initiative, member companies and our partners are committed to enhancing every aspect of rail safety. Collectively, our member companies have invested billions of dollars in training, technology and tank car safety and will continue to do so in the future. In addition, ACC helps first responders prepare for emergencies through programs like CHEMTREC® and TRANSCAER℠

In addition to the initiatives supported by our member companies, a comprehensive Federal regulatory framework addresses all facets of rail safety and security. By working together, shippers and rail carriers along with the federal government have been able to greatly reduce the number of accidents and their impacts.

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