Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

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The passage of the 2016 amendments to TSCA was a watershed moment. Those amendments, known as the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (LCSA), were the result of years of work and negotiations between lawmakers of both parties, as well as extensive engagement by stakeholders from industrial, environmental, public health, animal rights, and labor organizations. The law passed both chambers of Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support, and it was the first significant reform to any environmental law in 40 years.

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Enhancing Supply Chain Resiliency & Onshoring of Manufacturing Through TSCA Implementation

Sound Chemical Management policies are critical to American innovation & competitiveness.

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Effective and efficient scientific-based and risk-based implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is critical to health & safety, innovation, the supply chain, and the U.S. economy.

Applying best available science: EPA decisions must be based on real exposure scenarios, use the most relevant science information, adhere to statutorily mandated TSCA science standards, and stop overestimating risk.

Conducting timely new chemical reviews: EPA’s process for reviewing new chemicals must be timely, transparent and allow for regular communication.

Assessing each condition of use: EPA’s regulatory determinations must be based on the how the chemical is used, real world exposure, conditions of use and the safety protocols in place.

Improving communication: EPA must enhance its communication with manufacturers, update its processes to be transparent and objective, and ensure that relevant information from actual use and exposures is adequately incorporated during the process.

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Create More Chemistry and Make America a Manufacturing Superpower

Nearly every product that makes modern life possible starts with chemistry. Policymakers should work together to keep America strong and grow chemical manufacturing right here at home. American success relies on American chemistry. 

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