Overregulating the chemistry industry jeopardizes innovation, jobs, and economic growth. Learn more.

Scott Lindley

From the Capitol to the courthouse, from the statehouse to the city council, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) serves as a partner and an ally to our members. We are the collective voice of the chemical manufacturing sector and its value chain. ACC's purpose is to promote the interests of the business of chemistry in the United States of America, its territories and possessions and globally.

Engagement Opportunities

Manufacturing members are companies that as a significant portion of their businesses, manufacture chemical products in the United States and/or manufacture chemical products outside the United States for sale within the United States. » Learn more

Representing over 55% of ACC’s manufacturer members, our Council of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CSME) is the leading industry forum for senior executives from small and medium sized members. » Learn more

Associate Member companies consist of essential providers to the business of chemistry. Member companies in this category typically provide the following services: professional services, consulting, technology providers, law firms, accounting and auditing firms, banking or financial advisors to chemical manufacturers. » Learn more

Affiliate Members comprise the chemical industry’s value chain partners and fall into two distinct categories Chemical Distributor Affiliates and Chemical Handler Affiliates. As members of the value chain, affiliates understand and are better aligned with ACC’s advocacy efforts. All Affiliate member companies are required to adhere to an approved EHS&S management systems as a condition of their membership within ACC. » Learn more

Participation in Responsible Care is a mandatory requirement for all ACC members and partners to implement. ACC and our members are devoted to prioritizing safety and sustainability both within the communities in which they operate and through the products they manufacture. » Learn more

ACC’s Plastics Division represents the plastics industry and its value chain and delivers value to our members through best-in-class political advocacy, member engagement, communications, and scientific research. Our members are linking innovation with sustainability, deploying next generation technologies to reuse and recycle more plastics. » Learn more

ACC represents more than 100 self-funded groups on issues relevant to chemical manufacturers and downstream users. Learn more about how our groups are involved in robust chemical management. » Learn more

Why Join?

Our members are your customers, suppliers and competitors. They are the leading companies of all sizes, engaged in every aspect of the business of chemistry, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and distribution
  • Storage and disposal
  • Sales and marketing
  • Consulting, logistics and equipment manufacturing
Mark Kramer , President and CEO | Anderson Development Company
To me ACC has helped us see part of the bigger picture. We would not necessarily be exposed to everything else that's going on around the industry… And I think that's one of the things that ACC really helps us with because it is focused on the business of chemistry overall.