Leaves on Trees and in Sky

Air quality is a top priority for residents in communities where the chemical industry operates. Communities across the country are seeking reliable, up-to-date information about local air quality, and ACC members can play a key role in monitoring and reporting air emissions and addressing potential community concerns about air quality.

ACC members are working to reduce air emissions associated with chemical manufacturing and to be transparent about their progress. Through Responsible Care®, ACC member companies publicly report their progress in reducing air emissions from their facilities:

  • Responsible Care companies report emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAPs) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program. From 2010 to 2021, Responsible Care facilities within the ACC membership have reduced HAPs emissions by approximately 26 percent.
  • ACC members track core air quality indicators by measuring facility emissions of sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). Since 2017, ACC members have reduced SOx emissions by 43 percent and NOx emissions by 18 percent. 

Collaborating with Communities

The chemical industry is testing, tracking and improving air quality in the communities where we do business.

Grant from the ACC Foundation purchased more than 60 new air monitors.

ACC is working to build on this early success in Texas and is exploring ways to possibly develop similar air monitoring initiatives in chemical manufacturing hubs in other parts of the country.

ACC Member Contributions to Air Quality

The following stories highlight activities ACC companies are undertaken to help enhance air quality in the communities where they operate:

Karin Krchnak
Jenny Heumann Godes